Hello everyone.
I am Niharika and welcomeback to a new lesson.
Well, so are you straight out of college and looking for a job? Andprobably you have an interview lined up.
In this lesson today, we are gonna help you withsome tips that would ace up your job interview.
Now you have finished your education and youare heading towards a new face of life, so you really don’t wanna goof up.
So fresher’shere are some tips that would help you to answer the most common questions that areasked in an interview.
The first common question that’s asked inan interview is, Tell me about yourself? Now remember people, the person who is askingyou this question is not someone, you met at a coffee shop.
So things like, I love beingon Facebook or I had three girlfriends in my college days is not the right thing tomention.
The important things that you need to mention is your education background, thenyour family background.
Like I live with my parents and I have two siblings, but don’tget into much detail or probably you can talk about your personality traits.
And also youcan talk about the things that you like to do in your free time.
So these are the thingsthat you need to include, when this question is put forward.
The second common question that’s askedis, Why should we hire you? Well, here the person is asking you this question, becausehe wants to know, if you’re really serious about this job or probably you’re just here,because you are jobless or you’re here, because you wanna make some quick money tobuy a smart phone.
So if you’re really serious about this job.
The things that you need tomention are about your skills and your abilities.
And also back it up with some examples.
Nowremember a company would only hire you, if you add value to their organization.
So theskills that would be helpful to this kind of a job that you have applied for would beperfect to mention to the interviewer, so go ahead talk about your abilities and talkabout your skills.
The third common question that, you wouldcome across is talk about your strengths, so whether you are a fresher or probably,you are just going for another interview.
This question has to come.
So you need tobe prepared well in advance.
What you need to do is list your strengths and back it upwith some examples.
For example, if you have to talk about your leadership qualities, thenwhat you can do is, you can say that I was leading a big presentation in my college.
And the presentation did extremely well and you received a lot of kudos.
So this wouldtalk about your leadership qualities.
Another skill that you can talk about is your punctuality.
Well, yes of course that’s a strength.
Now again back it up with an example.
You canmention that you used to submit all your projects and your assignments way before the deadlinedate.
So again this talks about your punctuality.
And then there are certain skills that youcan talk about, like how hard working you are or you can grasp things real quickly andplease mention examples to it.
So this is the way, you will talk about your strengths.
Fourth common question that a fresher wouldcome across is, Are you planning for your future studies? Well, it’s important tomention, if you are, you need to handle this question very tactfully.
Because here thecompany wants to know, if you are taking up this job for good or are you just using theirtraining resources and then saying good bye to them.
So if you are pursuing studies, thenplease do mention and give a reason to it.
And if you’re doing some distance educationor probably, you’re doing a part time course, then please do mention it in an interview.
The reason because, if you get this job, then you might have to apply for leaves, when youhave your exams.
So do not lie and go ahead and tell them, if you are pursuing futurestudies.
The fifth and the last question that I havefor you is, So what do you know about our company? If you have a job interview linedup, don’t just wakeup in the morning and get all dressed up and then go for the interview.
Would not make any sense.
You need to be prepared for this interview, so when you know, whatcompany you are going to for the interview.
Use your search tools on the internet or goahead and look at the company’s website.
Learn and understand what the company is into?What products they make or who are their clients and so on? These details will be helpful toyou.
Then when you go for an interview, you are well prepared and you know what the companyis into.
And of course, you will be able to talk much better, when you are confident aboutwhat the company is into.
This brings me to the end of this lesson;make sure you practice all your answers before you go for an interview.
And don’t justgo boast yourself that how good you are as you like have the best skills ever.
Well,just tell the facts and don’t lie and also please follow these tips, so that you acethe next job interview that you are going for.
Thank you for watching this video, I’llbe back with a new lesson soon.
Until then you take care and all the very best.
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